Why Are Overwater Bungalows So Expensive? 5 Reasons

by Brad Klimkowski
Why Are Overwater Bungalows So Expensive

Have you ever wondered why are overwater bungalows so expensive? These stunning accommodations are a dream for many travelers, offering unrivaled views and direct access to turquoise waters. However, the price tag often reflects a premium. In this article, we delve into the various factors that contribute to the high cost of overwater bungalows, explaining why are overwater bungalows so expensive and what makes them so unique.

But before we go any further, we have to acknowledge where this comes from. At Cheap Overwater Bungalows, we make it a point to use data to create all of our content. Part of this includes our list of every overwater bungalow in the world, which is our go to source for pricing and finding deals.

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Extreme Scarcity of Overwater Bungalows

One of the primary reasons why are overwater bungalows so expensive is their extreme scarcity. These bungalows are not widespread. They are mostly found in exotic locations like the Maldives, Bora Bora, and other remote islands. The limited number of overwater bungalows available around the world creates a high demand among travelers seeking this exclusive experience, which in turn drives up the prices.

Through our years of research and collecting data, we have determined that there are only 337 resorts in the entire world that have overwater bungalows. In a world with a population of 8 billion people, you can understand that the demand is significantly higher than the supply.

Overwater Bungalows Are Difficult to Build

The construction of overwater bungalows is complex and challenging, significantly contributing to why are overwater bungalows so expensive. Building over water requires specialized materials that are resistant to corrosion by salt water and durable enough to withstand harsh marine environments. Additionally, the construction must be sensitive to the surrounding ecosystem, ensuring minimal impact, which often involves expensive technologies and construction methods.

This is one of the many reasons that there are no overwater bungalows in the Bahamas. Despite the fact that there are a number of beautiful locations, the construction constraints and weather restraints make it difficult to follow through with.

We also cannot downplay the importance of cheap labor. In countries like the Maldives, they have a minimum wage for expatriate workers of 3,000 MVR per month. At the time of writing, that is less than $200 per month in USD. The cost of labor would be much higher in more developed regions of the world.

Government Regulations Restrict Building Overwater Bungalows

Government regulations also play a crucial role in why are overwater bungalows so expensive. Many countries have strict rules regarding constructions over water to protect marine life and maintain environmental sustainability. These regulations limit where and how overwater bungalows can be built, reducing supply and thereby increasing the cost both in terms of regulatory compliance and limited availability.

The Maldives has 162 Overwater Bungalow Resorts. This is almost half of all the overwater bungalows in the world. This tells us that the government regulation is much less strict than other parts of the world.

Exclusivity and Luxury

The exclusivity and luxury associated with overwater bungalows also answer why are overwater bungalows so expensive. These accommodations are often part of high-end resorts that offer exceptional service and amenities. From private plunge pools and glass floor panels to gourmet dining and personal butler services, the luxury and exclusivity provided contribute significantly to the high cost.

Even overwater bungalows that might not be high quality in construction terms can still retain a high price point due to the exclusivity of the location.

Limited Location Possibilities

Location is another factor in why are overwater bungalows so expensive. Suitable locations for building overwater bungalows are often in remote areas that are difficult to access and develop. Logistics, transportation of materials, and providing utilities to these isolated locations come at a high cost, which is reflected in the price charged to guests.

Think about the beauty around the world. So many gorgeous locations, yet the tropical locations where overwater bungalows thrive are minimal in comparison to the various land masses around the world.

Overwater bungalows require shallow clear water to be a desirable destination. And the regions must be free from the possibility of natural disasters, extreme weather, and large ocean waves. With this information, we can determine that there are extreme limitations on what can be built, and where.

Why Are Overwater Bungalows So Expensive: Conclusion

Understanding why are overwater bungalows so expensive helps to appreciate the value they offer. From their scarcity and complex construction to stringent regulations, luxury features, and limited locations, each factor plays a role in making these accommodations uniquely pricey.

Despite the expense, the experience of staying in an overwater bungalow — with direct access to the ocean and stunning, unobstructed views — remains an unmatched luxury that many find worth the investment.

As we’ve explored throughout this article, multiple factors contribute to why are overwater bungalows so expensive. For those willing to splurge, the experience offers an unforgettable escape into a world of tranquil waters, breathtaking scenery, and opulent comfort.

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